Personal Development in Year 8

Dear Parents/Carers
I wanted to write to you in regard to our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) Curriculum at Saltash. I am sure that you are aware that RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) became compulsory in all schools in April 2021. We were already teaching many of the topics that have become part of the compulsory content but have adjusted our curriculum and increased delivery time to ensure that we are covering all the necessary content preparing our students to be well-rounded individuals prepared to embrace 21st Century life. Students have one lesson of PSHE per week in Year 8 and in addition cover PSHE content during tutor times through our reading programme, assemblies and PSHE sessions.
PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) encompasses Careers Education & Guidance and Citizenship, and we have 3 Key concepts that we teach throughout all year groups within our school:
- Living in the wider world
- Health and well-being
- Relationships
We study a broad range of topics across the year covering each of the three aspects of the subject, please see the attached programme for topic areas covered in Year 8. All students have one hour of PSHE a week in years 7-9, taught by a member of a specialist team ensuring that all content is well researched and delivered in an age appropriate way, allowing our students the opportunity to build on our school TEAM values. As a parent you have the right to withdraw your child from the sex education elements of the Relationship & Sex education PSHE Curriculum but not the Science Curriculum, please email: should you require any further information about the above.
The students are also encouraged to take an increasingly active role in both school and community-based activities. Including taking on school based opportunities as well as attending the clubs that we provide, something we refer to as Active Citizenship. Year 8 are still able to take part in the Children University Passport scheme, I will be in touch about this in the near future.
If you have any questions or PSHE queries at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly on 01752-843715 ext 235 or email me at:
Yours faithfully
Mrs E Gue
Head of PSHE and Career